Mikey | 2/10/06 | 18:19
Well, she has arrived (watch out world). This was a awesome installment of Negative One, and as always most brilliant delivery, I don't think that this could have been done any better I think that you have reached perfection once again. The drawings are absolutely great the dialog and narration of the installment perfection as you are most able to capture all that is seen and felt in all the frames (oh the glow) a proud mother with the baby with no neck (good one)!!!!
Again you did an awesome job, the baby the frames the wording, really an awesome installment. And let me not forget the extras, I thought they were great as it does add so much to the feeling and the happiness of the proud parents like was said. Perfect!!!!!!!!!!!
smiling_blush | 2/11/06 | 6:23
She_is_ perfect! And so precious...Awww!
Wingedpanda | 2/11/06 | 10:24
Yay!!! I'm glad she's finally here. :) :)
Fred | 2/11/06 | 11:29
Awww!!! What a cute li'l bundle of joy!!! :)
Alicia | 2/14/06 | 19:37
what a cute baby! my favorite frame is the one where she's checking amanda over. I also enjoyed the extras-- good idea.
Jeremy Pratte | 2/20/06 | 18:11 |
Ears were pinched in the womb? Suuuurrrrrre.:) That's it.
Heh. Great installment.
Cara | 2/24/06 | 23:37 |
This is very satisfying read. And I can't say more. I'm just filled with "Awwww" and "Cute!" I'm sorry I can't be more vocal about this comic, but it's just... the best!