Narrator: IVY
0161 ivy #1: big
0164 ivy #2: wet
0167 ivy #3: windows
0170 ivy #4: please
0173 ivy #5: the best place
0176 ivy #6: hot stuff
0179 ivy #7: too little
0182 ivy #8: happy yelling
0185 ivy #9: big sister
0189 ivy #10: big girl pants
0192 ivy #11: throwed away
0196 ivy #12: not fair
0198 ivy #13: happy and sad
0200 ivy #14: the hands
0202 ivy #15: the happiest feeling
0205 ivy #16: basic things
0207 ivy #17: learn by watching
0209 ivy #18: water sounds
0211 ivy #19: no more crying
0213 ivy #20: big store
0215 ivy #21: in charge
0217 ivy #22: anything i want
0219 ivy #23: for big girls
0221 ivy #24: i'll let her
0223 ivy #25: being held
0225 ivy #26: home sweet home
0227 ivy #27: can't make me
0229 ivy #28: up here
0231 ivy #29: what's supposed to happen
0233 ivy #30: if they yell
0235 ivy #31: far away
0237 ivy #32: if i let go
0239 ivy #33: a little bit something else
0241 ivy #34: look at me
0243 ivy #35: something to say
0245 ivy #36: in good hands
0247 ivy #37: they're not mean
0249 ivy #38: a bigger mystery
0251 ivy #39: no one to show
0252 ivy #40: it made her stay
0253 ivy #41: to save us all
0254 ivy #42: my favorite time
0256 ivy #43: we should match
0258 ivy #44: gimme
0260 ivy #45: bigger than anything
0262 ivy #46: do something
0264 ivy #47: what do you call it?
0266 ivy #48: can't
0268 ivy #49: the way it is
0270 ivy #50: they fly too
0272 ivy #51: it's called lost
0274 ivy #52: except us
0276 ivy #53: more than i want her
0278 ivy #54: that's not flying
0280 ivy #55: why should i?
0282 ivy #56: orphans with you
0284 ivy #57: nothing to be sad about
0286 ivy #58: pretend scary
0288 ivy #59: if it does get that bad
0290 ivy #60: smile for the camera
0292 ivy #61: documentary
0294 ivy #62: keep the kid
0296 ivy #63: in touch
0298 ivy #64: only when you listen
0300 ivy #65: let her be
0302 ivy #66: make this right
0304 ivy #67: make some noise
0306 ivy #68: something's not right
0308 ivy #69: i was good
0310 ivy #70: who else?
0312 ivy #71: just something
0314 ivy #72: kind of the boss
0316 ivy #73: shhh
0318 ivy #74: just pick her up
0320 ivy #75: believing in unicorns
0322 ivy #76: safe
0324 ivy #77: every new grown-up
0326 ivy #78: his boundaries
0328 ivy #79: too tired to feel
0330 ivy #80: one good thing
0332 ivy #81: no more talking
0334 ivy #82: at least i have this
0336 ivy #83: things to give
0338 ivy #84: boom
0340 ivy #85: new year's resolution
0342 ivy #86: stinging and ringing
0344 ivy #87: loud noises
0346 ivy #88: more than snacks
0348 ivy #89: it's later now
0350 ivy #90: not a baby
0352 ivy #91: two whole alphabets
0354 ivy #92: there's a catch
0356 ivy #93: more letters
0358 ivy #94: room for us
0360 ivy #95: sparkles
0362 ivy #96: not a mess
0364 ivy #97: taken away
0366 ivy #98: pen pals
0368 ivy #99: say it again
0370 ivy #100: who's gonna
0372 ivy #101: the system
0374 ivy #102: taken care of
0376 ivy #103: one with a window
0378 ivy #104: mystery baby
0380 ivy #105: what words
0382 ivy #106: all for me
0384 ivy #107: what's safe
0386 ivy #108: all walls
0388 ivy #109: a secret
0390 ivy #110: heavy things
0392 ivy #111: who takes care of you?
0394 ivy #112: about my size
0396 ivy #113: i think they're good
0398 ivy #114: lots of knots
0400 ivy #115: making a curly
0402 ivy #116: when they look
0404 ivy #117: something like this
0406 ivy #118: this magical place
0408 ivy #119: braidy head
0410 ivy #120: it's all yummy
0412 ivy #121: a little bit up
0414 ivy #122: so good today
0416 ivy #123: i'll help you
0418 ivy #124: pretty dirty
0420 ivy #125: i've always believed
0422 ivy #126: tell me
0424 ivy #127: if it's dirty
0426 ivy #128: littler
0428 ivy #129: the right hair
0430 ivy #130: clear
0432 ivy #131: is it real?
0434 ivy #132: come lie down
0436 ivy #133: that should be a rule
0438 ivy #134: getting bigger
0440 ivy #135: how to not tell
0442 ivy #136: a book about me
0444 ivy #137: about fires
0446 ivy #138: the high ones
0448 ivy #139: santa was here
0450 ivy #140: like you
0452 ivy #141: the wrong hands
0454 ivy #142: you want some?
0456 ivy #143: as big as you
0458 ivy #144: her violent side
0460 ivy #145: not about you
0462 ivy #146: a good man
0464 ivy #147: for my growing
0466 ivy #148: no questions
0468 ivy #149: i should hide
0470 ivy #150: special lady
0473 ivy #151: i won't look
0476 ivy #152: making splashes
0479 ivy #153: that guy
0482 ivy #154: don't like the words
0484 ivy #155: can you say
0486 ivy #156: a word for you
0488 ivy #157: nobody's mad
0492 ivy #158: food on a stick
0495 ivy #159: for the game
0499 ivy #160: lap for a nap
0505 ivy #161: a word about me
0510 ivy #162: what's yours
0512 ivy #163: why we're important
0515 ivy #164: show me yours
0518 ivy #165: that person now
0520 ivy #166: rude
0522 ivy #167: birds and bees
0525 ivy #168: watching me
0528 ivy #169: reading time
0531 ivy #170: the next one
0533 ivy #171: just one word
0537 ivy #172: a family, i guess
0540 ivy #173: real dogs
0542 ivy #174: trouble with words
0544 ivy #175: girls only
0546 ivy #176: pretending they know
0549 ivy #177: a noise
0551 ivy #178: something about her
0553 ivy #179: not hate
0557 ivy #180: the itches
0559 ivy #181: no loud sounds
0561 ivy #182: colors underneath
0564 ivy #183: it's time
0566 ivy #184: a different me
0568 ivy #185: when they're not together
0570 ivy #186: a blue thing
0572 ivy #187: my three things
0574 ivy #188: brave
0576 ivy #189: off eastways
0578 ivy #190: still not a beach
0580 ivy #191: a faraway voice
0582 ivy #192: fix itself
0585 ivy #193: looking for this
0587 ivy #194: not for you
0590 ivy #195: slippery
0593 ivy #196: doing it right
0595 ivy #197: just a flash
0597 ivy #198: in our hearts
0600 ivy #199: cry on me
0602 ivy #200: winter coat
0606 ivy #201: not here to ask
0610 ivy #202: always yelling
0622 ivy #203: definitely meant to
0628 ivy #204: before you eat
0632 ivy #205: fists
0636 ivy #206: more exciting than words
0638 ivy #207: small
0642 ivy #208: snow angels
0644 ivy #209: pretty different
0649 ivy #210: animals
0657 ivy #211: mad face
0661 ivy #212: kids grow
0666 ivy #213: moat
0669 ivy #214: what we're thinking
0670 ivy #215: too scary
0675 ivy #216: i feel my sleeping
0677 ivy #217: accidents
0683 ivy #218: deep and dark
0685 ivy #219: meet your baby
0687 ivy #220: you wanted it fast
0693 ivy #221: names for days
0695 ivy #222: too fast
0697 ivy #223: bully
0699 ivy #224: the mad thing
0705 ivy #225: so mature before
0708 ivy #226: a job for me
0710 ivy #227: compassionate child
0714 ivy #228: hard to hear
0719 ivy #229: other new child
0722 ivy #230: name of today
0725 ivy #231: the biggest one awake
0727 ivy #232: burned out
0730 ivy #233: a distraction
0733 ivy #234: a fun day
0735 ivy #235: tantrum
0737 ivy #236: wrong before
0739 ivy #237: desk meeting
0742 ivy #238: good noise
0745 ivy #239: the next one to come
0753 ivy #240: when you go
0754 ivy #241: to say no
0758 ivy #242: not watching
0760 ivy #243: same as me
0767 ivy #244: big wild girl
0769 ivy #245: hold back
0774 ivy #246: do it like you
0776 ivy #247: looking at us
0778 ivy #248: just see you
0781 ivy #249: something nice
0784 ivy #250: what a kid is
0787 ivy #251: sad came instead
0791 ivy #252: privacy
0795 ivy #253: tangled up
0801 ivy #254: in contempt
0803 ivy #255: a word
0807 ivy #256: what love does
0809 ivy #257: he wants
0815 ivy #258: waiting for ten
0819 ivy #259: just watching
0821 ivy #260: how much she can say
0825 ivy #261: playing with me
0828 ivy #262: not calling him
0832 ivy #263: biggest weirdo
0836 ivy #264: two minutes
0839 ivy #265: like braiding
0842 ivy #266: this much sillier
0846 ivy #267: weird feeling
0850 ivy #268: nest
0855 ivy #269: dimensions
0861 ivy #270: i could
0864 ivy #271: underweight
0868 ivy #272: a little castle
0871 ivy #273: something that stings
0875 ivy #274: big boy belt
0880 ivy #275: how to help
0883 ivy #276: swallowed
0889 ivy #277: just because they're new
0893 ivy #278: motivate
0896 ivy #279: weird day
0900 ivy #280: to be and do
0902 ivy #281: good builder
0907 ivy #282: everything about you
0909 ivy #283: the person who always wins
0913 ivy #284: to appreciate you
0917 ivy #285: philosophical question
0921 ivy #286: unsupervised
0926 ivy #287: outside world
0928 ivy #288: installation
0935 ivy #289: sit down
0939 ivy #290: the one who's real
0943 ivy #291: your own choice
0945 ivy #292: i have questions
0949 ivy #293: the decider
0950 ivy #294: bad planning
0951 ivy #295: a bad thing to be
0953 ivy #296: didn't stop her
0954 ivy #297: disappointed
0958 ivy #298: what's good for me
0963 ivy #299: not my business
0967 ivy #300: most people's nature
0971 ivy #301: why can't i?
0973 ivy #302: seasick
0977 ivy #303: something about the truth
0982 ivy #304: personal stuff
0984 ivy #305: that's not me
0988 ivy #306: the normal way
0992 ivy #307: being annoying
0996 ivy #308: super
0999 ivy #309: boy clothes
1002 ivy #310: ambassador
1004 ivy #311: for people my age
1007 ivy #312: my new excuse
1008 ivy #313: follow the rules
1011 ivy #314: resistance
1014 ivy #315: be a jerk
1018 ivy #316: noticeable
1019 ivy #317: a deep, dark feeling
1020 ivy #318: so what
1023 ivy #319: a whole arm
1025 ivy #320: princess hair
1029 ivy #321: just you and me
1032 ivy #322: one time
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