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Wow. That's all I can say about this one. Wow.

Yeah. I also am silent today.

(Well, almost. I will say this: when you posted on your LJ earlier about something sad coming up, I was afraid it might be something like this.... :.( The wordless comic was a strong effect. The fourth panel was particularly heartbreaking.)

*speechless* That's... ;_;
:-( :-( :-(
chris biggs6/1/0817:05
the second panel is what got me...several years ago my child whom is developementally disabled got into the road...

she was going inside and I had thought she went in the door and that my daught had said she was ok but what she said was she could get her... next thing I know I am inside miriam is gone and I run towards the road... I get there and there is a truck turned sidewas and some asshole in a semi all pissed off and honking at them....my daughter was crouched by the road calling out "inside, inside, inside" over and over again....I felt horible because I just snatched her up and stammered a thanks at the couple in the truck and took my daughter back to the house. I really wished I could have thanked them properly but I was way to messed up at the time.....

bieng a parent of a child with issues can be a horribly stressfull thing. I can relate to this woman fully and the look of absolute horror and self recrimination in her eyes now has me sobbing at the keyboard.

thank you for this comic, I cannot begin to even say how it has touched and moved me.

Please, oh please, let them get their precious daughter back safe and sound.

I had a similar scare, my three year old toddled off after her big sister while visiting my mother. They crossed a residential street to get to a neighbor's house a block a way. I was a wreck by the time I found her, happily playing on the neighbor's swingset.

covered before, Im sure, but how did they wind up with an Elfquest Glider baby?

Wow, those visuals told me *everything*! I don't think any dialogue could've conveyed this scene better than this!
Perfectly executed. Unexpected separation of a mother and child is terribly stressful in the best of cases, and usually the fault lies partially with the parent. But with Amanda and Meri Lin it's so much stronger. Meri Lin will blame herself no matter that this case was entirely a (nearly) 2 year old's first "toddling" adventure.

All they can do is wait. I wait with them.

What everybody else says is true, this was well-executed for the emotion being conveyed.

Practical question, though--what happened to all the sparkly stuff that Fred had glued around Amanda's bedroom window? In this comic: ...Fred had made her window distinctive. I didn't see all the decorations on any comics that showed Amanda's window later on, though. There was no mention of them taking it all down. Where did that stuff go?

We know Amanda had already snuck outside her window a few times. She would have noticed how it looked different. Just curious...

In the same issue where Fred decorated it, he took Amanda out there and was thoroughly spooked that she could have gotten away right then. They decided instead of getting her used to the outside (and what the window looks like) to make the apartment into a fortress. I implied that Meri Lin was worried that the apartment people were going to kill them for doing it, so since they weren't going to use it for the intended purpose, they took it down sometime offscreen. That's all!
Your comics are usually so wordy. It isn't to the point of breaking the show don't tell rule, and I'm not saying that's a bad approach, but sometimes it feels like a mixed-media of graphic novel and plain ol' Novel-novel when half the panels are text blocks.

Then you hit us with this. Like color, you know how to reserve purely visual storytelling until it has the most effective impact.

Any comments left here are PUBLIC. If you are not comfortable with that, mail me directly.