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Tab is a child who appeared in our dimension in Issue #0703. She arrived accidentally during the flash, having been thrown into the water in her home dimension of Gow (after being struck on the head by her father). She arrived injured, floating in the pool, and Adele had to get her breathing again and bandage her wounds.

Tab started her life in this dimension with a feral disposition and didn't smile until much later in her life, but Ivy loved her immediately and wanted to care for her like a little sister. Ivy helped care for the girl and nurse her back to health once she recovered from her head wound, and the group learned to engage with her despite her violent tendencies--she liked to scratch and attack with little provocation, which was dangerous even when she was very young because of her claws. As Tab grew older, she developed some verbal skills and gradually the danger of getting scratched lessened, but she retained a temper that sometimes drove her to impulsive reactions. She became fast friends with Thursday, the faerie child who arrived at the same time as she did, and they sometimes bicker and play together. She endured a long phase of jealousy regarding Ivy's telekinetic abilities but has more or less stopped resenting her for it. She has been learning to help with tasks like hunting and laundry as well as entertaining and educating herself.

Tab is average height and remains a little chunky until she sheds her baby fat. She has similar proportions to human children and seems to be growing at a typical human rate. She has deep golden skin; wide-set pearly white eyes; a broad, flat nose; and voluminous curly dark green hair. She has small curly horns that are not always visible because of her hair, and she has thick black claws on her hands and feet (which she has to scratch down to stop them from getting too inconveniently long). Her canine teeth are just a little longer than most humans' would be. Her voice is high and a little chirpy unless she's growling at someone. Her blood is clear, not red; when she accidentally scratches herself it can be hard to tell if she's bleeding. She likes light, roomy clothing that doesn't restrict her movement, and never wears shoes.

Tab loves active games and playing make-believe. She loves birds, bugs, and critters, and sometimes enjoys chasing them. Sometimes she makes games out of physical feats, like trying to jump as high as she can. She was not good at climbing when she was very young but she eventually develops good climbing skills. She has very good hand-eye coordination, a good sense of smell, and is quite strong for her size. When Adele attempts to teach her to read, she is unable to interpret print, though her verbal skills are fine. It's unknown whether this is a peculiarity of her species or a specific learning disability. She can be a little rough with her manners and is very straightforward, but if she says something hurtful she is able to reflect on it without a lot of drama. Tab was named for Adele's teacher Tabitha, but her name is always shortened to Tab.

My favorite Tab pictures (click on the small pictures to see large, good quality scans):


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