![[NEGATIVE ONE]](neg1logo.jpg)
These are questions I've been asked about the comic in the context of the original THTIB novels. Chances are, if you have not read the Ivy books up through number 4, talked to me extensively about the series, or read the THTIB Encyclopedia, then some of the answers on this page are going to surprise you. This is really more for people who see Negative One as a prequel than people who are beginning with the comic's story as their introduction to this universe. It may reveal some things you don't know and don't want to know (if you like surprises) in both the book series and the comic. You are warned.
- Are Fred and Meri Lin going to get married anyway? Nope. They just live together and never take official vows.
- Fred and Meri Lin are Ivy's parents, right? Yup.
- If their daughter is "Ivy," how come they name her something else? Because Adele named her. It would have been strange if her parents happened to name her the same thing. Ivy's "real" name is Amanda Fisher-Ling.
- What other THTIB characters are going to be in the comic? Everybody, eventually.
- Do we get to see Dax's or Weaver's or Neptune's home dimension, since you showed Adele's? Sorry, no, I'm not planning to go there.
- Are you gonna talk about some of those other dimensions shown on that map? Maybe. If I feel like it. Depends on if I decide they're important.
- In #0008 they're talking about faeryland. Seriously, is Thursday from there? Gee, how did you guess?
- Dax and Weaver are from the same dimension, according to what you suggest in this comic. Did they know each other before? Nope. They sorta seem to recognize stuff about each other once they meet in the comic, but it's not because they knew each other; it's just that they shared a culture in their previous dimension and sort of vaguely recognize stuff about each other as representatives of their species.
- Does Adele ever meet up with Meri Lin and Fred? They didn't meet in what I wrote of the books.
- Is Adele ever going to see Tabitha, Shelshay, Aleef, or her family again once she leaves her dimension? I don't have plans to bring them back. Feel free to write fanfiction about it, though.
- Are you giving Adele a prophecy student ever? Yeah. If you read the books back in the day, you know who it is.
- Will Ivy have a romantic interest when she's old enough? Yes and no? It's complicated. She receives romantic interest. She's not so sure how she feels about it.
- What are the main characters' sexual orientations? Weaver, Dax, Adele, and Alix are heterosexual. Adele has a long distance relationship with a human man for quite a while before she decides that's not feasible for her, and hasn't wanted to pursue other options. Weaver enjoys being a weird pervert about sex but doesn't have any actual interest in pursuing anyone for a relationship. Dax and Alix both find female love interests at some point. Ivy, when she's in her mid-to-late teens, finds the entire subject pretty baffling and is probably asexual (but has never used that word), and is undecided about whether the interest she's had toward other people is romantic or not (she leans toward thinking it's not).
- Does Ivy ever go to school/get a real education? Yeah.
- Does Ivy ever get back to her parents or meet her brother? Yep. Oh boy.
- If the initial series is called The House That Ivy Built, does that mean Ivy will build a house? Yes.
- Are the housemates included in the original books going to be part of the comic? Yes.
- Which major storylines from the original books are you including and which are you cutting? I'm not going into detail about that here, but I can definitely say some scenarios that I can't actually picture happening will be cut (especially from the first two books). I'll try to find a way to include the spirit of those things but there are a few fairly major happenings that I don't think make sense anymore.
- Is there time travel in this? No.
- Is there space travel in this? No.
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