This was originally done for the 200th issue contest, but now you can interview characters just for fun.
- Questions need to stay PG-13. I'm the final judge on what's too racy to print.
- You'll need to send separate entry forms for each character if you're sending questions to more than one person.
- You should imagine that you're asking the character of your choice these questions as they are in the CURRENT storyline, the recent week's issue. For instance, Adele isn't going to know the answer anymore if you ask her something about her home dimension. (But there's nothing to stop you asking Tabitha or one of Adele's family members!) Keep in mind that means some characters don't know each other. You can't ask them about each other unless they are aware of each other.
- You can ask any character. It doesn't matter if the character isn't in the story anymore, played a bit part, or didn't have a name.
- You cannot ask the webcomic artist. I'm not a character.
- You CAN ask baby Amanda/Ivy questions, but for simplicity's sake I am going to answer in third person for her through her perspective. You won't get her answers in baby talk, so if you're curious about something with her, I'll probably be able to answer, but only to the extent that she actually knows the answer.
- Please don't ask too many really inconsequential questions. I'd rather them be personal and relevant to the characters. If you really, really want to know Meri Lin's favorite color, feel free to ask, but if you also ask for her favorite number, food, song, book, season, flower, and gemstone, I'm going to raise my eyebrows.
- You can ask all kinds of questions, from simple things like "How tall are you?" or "Do you play any instruments?" to complex things like "How did you feel when [such-and-such] happened to you?" or "What do you think of [other character]?" or "How do you feel about religion?"
- You might check out the character page for the major and minor characters.
- There is no limit to the number of characters you can "interview" or the number of questions you can submit.
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