Negative One 1000th ISSUE contest!

We made it to one thousand issues. Only took almost twenty years of weekly updates! The comic has never gone on hiatus, missed an issue, or been late. (Though occasionally a tech glitch might have interrupted access here and there if it was out of my hands.) I think we're justified in being pretty proud of that, right?

In celebration of the thousandth issue, we've cleaned things up on the site a bit, updating some out-of-date galleries and character pages, adding new drawings to them and including characters whose pages had been missing. Feel free to click around and read some stuff if you haven't been there in a while!

Here is what one thousand issues looks like.


If you would like to participate in a CONTEST to celebrate the one thousandth issue, here are the rules. Three winners will be chosen randomly based on their participation in the options below. You may enter multiple times in multiple ways. You will receive a PRIZE if you are chosen. (More on prizes below.) This contest is open from July 12 to July 27, 2024. Any submissions received within the two weeks of the contest will count as entries, though you're welcome to play with these options anytime afterwards as well.


Take the 1000th Issue Quiz! It has ten questions representing eras of Negative One: for instance, the first question is from the first hundred issues, the second is from issue 101 to 200, etc. Each CORRECT ANSWER represents an entry into the contest, so if you get a perfect score, you have entered ten times. (You will not be scored immediately. All submissions are run through spam checkers first so you will receive your results later.) Resources exist, linked at the quiz, to aid your memory if you want to check anything. Good luck!

Take the 1000th Issue Quiz!


In the spirit of celebrating one thousand issues, another way to enter the contest is to go to this link to get your assigned Random Number between 1 and 1000, and then reread and comment on the comic issue you get! (You will be offered links on that page to help you easily access the right comic.) Each comment submitted on an old issue between the contest dates counts as one entry into the contest. You may do this however many times you wish, but please only leave authentic comments. (It should go without saying that I will not publish or count as entries any trollish or contentless comments.)

Get your random number!


We're bringing this option back from previous contests: You can send in questions to your favorite Negative One characters. Any questions dubbed appropriate for publishing will be answered on each character's interview page. Each question sent to a character will count as an entry into the contest. You may want to spend some time looking at the questions already asked to your character of choice so you don't send repeats.

Send your questions!


We're mainly offering the above options, but if you were to submit fan art or fanfiction for the comic, it will be published in the appropriate section, credited as you request, and will count as 10 entries. And though I don't mind submissions that are on the silly side, please don't send anything that's not genuinely composed. Nothing disturbing, R-rated, or trollish will be accepted.

Send your fan art!

Send your fanfiction!


We will discuss prizes with the winners directly, but for this the winners may choose from four options:

  1. A small customized art piece of your choice (delivered digitally or physically per your preference)
  2. Your choice of one Negative One merchandise item
  3. $20 gift certificate to an online store
  4. If you'd rather not claim something yourself and you win, we offer one charitable contribution to a charity of your choice (must be a charity, not a political contribution)

You will be notified if you are a winner. These entry options all have submission forms that include e-mail addresses, which is what we will use to contact you, so please make sure your e-mail address is one you check and that it is correct in the submission before hitting send.

Want to see some previous contests?

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