A permanent link to your fan comic on the original comic.
A permanent link to your fan comic in this gallery.
A link to your own website (if applicable) wherever your work appears.
A sneak preview at the future events of Negative One (since you'll have a script before it posts).
Rules for you:
You may have free rein as far as how to structure your page and how to depict the characters, in any medium you like, but you must stick to the script. No leaving out, adding, or changing words.
If you volunteer to draw one, you have to be finished by Friday evening, 8 PM Eastern Standard Time, on the day the issue of Negative One is scheduled to post. If you've volunteered to do a comic and you miss this deadline, I won't accept another application without a good reason.
You may link to your work and/or display it wherever you like as long as you make it clear what the characters are from, preferably with a link back to my comic.
You mustn't share the "spoilers" of the script anywhere online if volunteering causes you to become partial to these secrets early.
You don't have to be a good artist, but please do take it seriously if you apply; if you just want to joke around, I accept silly fanart.